Monday, February 11, 2013

Painting Evolutions

This painting process, a la, Flora Bowley, is a journey. I'm learning to look at my layers of paint with curiosity and wonder instead of judgement and attachment. I've had a few layers I've been attached to. And others I'm more than ready to let go. This is an on-line course, and we have the opportunity to post our paintings in a closed group on FaceBook. There we can encourage each other, and see what others are painting. It's very exciting.

I'm seeing a huge relationship between my painting process and my reactions to life itself. Am I attached to my early ages in life? Do I think this present stage in my life is a mess? Do I wish I could get on to the next stage and leave this spot of life behind? Some classmates have posted paintings they think is a mess, but others clamor to say they love the paintings, the colors, and find images within.

Do we look at ourselves like that? I don't like myself, I don't like this aspect or that. I'm too much of a mess, no one else could possibly like me or understand. And yet! Others may see beauty in the very stage we are in. It's helping me see that I am precious, too, each layer, each phase that I live through is itself a bit of a wonder, a mystery, and worth every moment. Be in it, and enjoy. Now.

1 comment:

  1. Patricia, I love how you explained your process with painting. Great artwork. Thanks for sharing.
